Our Services

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Rose Healthcare is structured to facilitate a slow medicine approach, while providing a priority access clinic to our regular patients when rapid care is required.

Menopause Management

We understand that menopause can be a trying time in a woman’s life. That’s why Dr Saling is an Australian Menopause Society member, and regularly seeks out education about the latest and greatest in menopause management. This is part of our women’s wellness pillar of practice.

Symptoms that can indicate menopause include hot flushes, brain fog, fatigue, metabolic changes, and genitourinary symptoms. Rose Healthcare practitioners take the time required to explore these in detail, and come up with a plan that works for you and your lifestyle.

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Menopause clinic image

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Other services we offer

We offer the following services, but understand that some patients will have complex needs requiring custom treatments. Please get in touch if you have further questions.