Our Services
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Rose Healthcare is structured to facilitate a slow medicine approach, while providing a priority access clinic to our regular patients when rapid care is required.
Preventative Health
You may ask, what exactly is Preventative Health? Good question.
Preventative care, and its buddy, executive health, are essential elements of Rose Healthcare’s philosophy. We believe that true wellness comes from addressing basic health needs first, before acute issues arise.
Our preventative and executive health checks encompass a full scope systems review and detailed personal medical history assessment. We assess your individual risk factors in order to make key decisions about necessary investigations that will most likely flag issues of concern.
We pride ourselves on taking a longitudinal approach to care – as in, one’s health viewed over a long time. This is the beauty of the general practice specialty. Cradle to grave. But this takes time.
Getting to know our patients, especially when meeting them, requires a prolonged consultation in order to provide a thorough and holistic approach to your care.
Here we will cover a detailed review of your medical history, social factors, family history, medication review, as about risk factors that may impact your health. You can expect that procedures such as pathology testing and physical examination are performed by our experienced clinicians.
We recommend that all new patients have an initial 40 minute appointment, which is a signature offering at Rose Healthcare.

See how we can help you
Other services we offer
We offer the following services, but understand that some patients will have complex needs requiring custom treatments. Please get in touch if you have further questions.