Our Services

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Rose Healthcare is structured to facilitate a slow medicine approach, while providing a priority access clinic to our regular patients when rapid care is required.

Antenatal and Postnatal Care

Pregnancy planning, antenatal, and postnatal care are special interest areas for Rose Healthcare practitioners. We provide a full spectrum of primary care “natal’ care, and take you from considering a pregnancy, through to term, and beyond to the challenging journey of new parenthood. We also provide advice and care in the event of miscarriage and unplanned pregnancies.

Rose Healthcare practitioners are accredited shared care providers with the Royal Hospital for Women, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, and St George/Sutherland Hospital antenatal departments and also work closely with local obstetrician-gynaecologists in private practice.

What to expect? The first antenatal appointment requires a 45 minute review and is extensive in order to discuss your medical history thus far, standards of care you can come to expect, lifestyle guidelines, and important milestones during the pregnancy.

Before this journey even commences, we recommend a pre-conception pregnancy planning review. We recommend you attend this with your partner if you have one, but we are just as open to discussing solo parenting options and how you can plan going forward.

A 6 week postpartum check is a common milestone for all new parents, but what about thereafter? Our founder Dr Saling believes that the 4 month mark is a crucial, yet often missed timeframe where new parents should be reviewed by their medical practitioner.

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pregnant woman

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Other services we offer

We offer the following services, but understand that some patients will have complex needs requiring custom treatments. Please get in touch if you have further questions.